
We realise how important it is to have a well-decorated church. This can improve everyone’s enjoyment of the space.

We have decorated many churches over the years. We provide a courteous and professional service while also respecting the people and building.

Community Centres

Some churches have community centres and we can schedule around other bookings to ensure it’s refreshed in time for the next visitors of the centre.

Often, we are asked to decorate the rectory of the church and can do so around it being used or do it quickly between change-over

Get a quote

Simon and Dylan Decorating Company have served many completely satisfied customers. If you would like to get more information or know more about our customers go to contact us, fill the form in there and we will answer any questions you may have that are not covered here.

Also to get a FREE Quotation please contact us and fill in the form and we will get back to you within two business days.